Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Irish Immigration

     Like many other immigrants, the Irish moved to the United States in search of a better, happier life. At first they immigrated because of poverty, religious prejudice and political subordination, but their major reason them became the great potato famine. The potatoes, which were their main food source, grew with poisonous fungus and could not be eaten. This lasted for about five years and left many families suffering from starvation. Thousands died, and those who survived only desired to escape from that horrible conditions.

     The Irish started to immigrate to the U.S. for a relief. Since many of them lacked sufficient money, they found a cheaper way to get there. Instead of traveling directly to the U.S., the Irish would first take a trip to Canada. There they would buy fares they could afford to the states or walk across the border.

     Most of the immigrants had very little or no resources to begin a new life when they arrived to the U.S. Luckily for them, there was new construction going on. The great canals and rails were being built, and the Irish laborers were the ones responsible for the creation of these. The Irish became well known policemen and firemen. They also made up many of the population's plumbers, steamfitters and boilermakers. Those working in industry were even lifted up into boss and straw-boss positions, but this obviously was after a lot of hard work. They also printed newspapers which contained interesting news and popular stories and poems.The immigrants that kept coming settled in existing  Irish communities. There they followed their Catholic religion and kept their cultural traditions. The Americans respected their way of living.

     Researching and learning about Irish immigration has made me realize how much they suffered to improve their living conditions. It is amazing what they went through to get to the U.S. and all they had was the hope of a better living and more opportunities. Their hard work was admirable! I think people should follow their example of never giving up on their dream to succeed.

Irish Immigrant Family in Canada

Irish Immigrants Making Newspapers

Irish Immigrants Arriving at Ellis Island

 For more information:                             

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