Tuesday, April 19, 2011

TOP 10!!

  • Katherine's proposal was very good. I agree with her on the issue that everyone should be able to decide the religion they want to follow. We should also respect the decisions of those who chose differently from us and not discriminate.
  • Shae-Lynn's proposal was interesting. She has a great point. Iam with her in the fact that the LGBT community should not be treated differently just because of their sex orientation. They deserve every right that normal people have. It is very unfair to them that they have a harder life because of discrimination, when they are human beings just like everyone else.
  • I definitely agree with Carolina's proposal. It is true that Native Americans have always been left out of many of the amendments made when they should be the first to receive them. It is not fair that them being the first to live here are being discriminated against and denied many rights. The Native Americans should be protected against this injustice!
  • I really liked Nestor's proposal. I agree that people with dissabilities should have equal rights as any other citizen. They deserve to be treated equally and be able to work, go to school and do what ever they want to do with their lives. I am with Nestor in that their should be an amendment made to protect their rights.
  • Randy's proposal was very good. My grandfather was a veteran and I agree that they deserve certain benefits for the years they served our country. They gave all they had in order to provide safety for us. They deserve to have healthcare plans and to receive adequate medical service due to the dameges cost by the war they fought in.
  • I agree with Mandy's proposal. There should be a law that protects people of any race or skin color against mistreatment from police or other authorities. Muslims should be treated like every other person is because not all of them are bad people. We should learn not to judge people without knowing them.
  • Tiffany's proposal was a great one. I agree that immigrants should not be placed so many restrictions to become citizens of the US. They only come in search of a better life and opportunity. I agree with her proposal in that families who want to become citizens should sent applications answering questions about reasons why they should be picked. That is a very good idea!
  • Genderie's proposal was convincing. She explained how even today African Americans are discriminated. She is right in the fact that we are all humans and deserve to be treated equally. I also agree with her in that African Americans should be able to defend themselves in court just like any other person.
  • I definitely have the same opinion as Itze about the rights the LGBT community. They deserve equal rights as anybody else. They should not be descriminated against. LGBTs should also be able to marry who ever they want and raise a family. If they love who ever they love let them be happy!
  • Bianca's proposal was interesting. She proffed a good point and she explained how the scholarship can benefit both the government and the students. The proposal will help students continue and finish with their studies.

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