Sunday, April 17, 2011

My Proposal

My fellow Congress members we all know that in the past it was very hard for different groups of people to earn the right to vote. Only white males who owned property could vote. This created great discord among the others who also believed they deserved that right as well. Today everyone over the age of 18 in the United States is allowed to vote, but what about teenagers? They make up a great part of our country’s population. Don’t they deserve to have a say on who will be their president for the next four years?
Throughout the years, the vote has proven to be one of the crucial elements that allow a democratic society to work at its best. In a democracy citizens have the right to choose their leader, which deals with the issues of importance, and to give their opinion on how their country is run. Therefore teenagers, fourteen years and up, should be given the right to vote. Many of the decisions made in the government affect them. At age 16, teens are allowed to get their driver’s license. This means that they have to follow the rules and laws of the road just like adults. For that reason, teens should be able to share the privilege of voting on laws that affect them when driving. Many of you may think that teens are not suitable to have such a big responsibility as it is that of voting since you think of them as rebellious, immature, self-centered, easily influenced people, but I assure you that many teenagers have broken free from this stereotype. A great amount of teenagers have applied in the work force demonstrating that they can also be responsible. Others show that they strongly care about their future by being excellent students and maintaining a great point average in school.
Teenagers should get the chance to make important decisions such as voting. It is essential that they feel part of the society and that they play an important role in our country. They deserve to be heard and their opinions to be taken in consideration. I’m sure that if we give them a chance to show us what they are capable of doing, we will be surprised.

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